One Nation? Not So Fast!
Most people think these United States are “one nation.” Most people are wrong. That was not the system created by the Constitution View this post on Instagram A post shared by Tenth Amendment Center (@tenthamendmentcenter) For More Information One Nation,...
One Nation?
The United States is “one nation,” right? We say it every day from the time we’re in kindergarten in the Pledge of Allegiance. “One nation, under God, indivisible.” The problem is it’s not true. View this post on Instagram A post...This idea that the United States are "one nation" perpetuates the myth that everything should come from Washington D.C. @mmaharrey10th#10thAmendment #constitution #liberty #decentralize pic.twitter.com/UOEsm1Zw7j
— TenthAmendmentCenter (@TenthAmendment) July 6, 2021
The Great American Myth
The Independence Day holiday always brings out one of the greatest American myths – the notion that the United States are “one nation.” The idea is not only wrong – it’s dangerous. This idea that the United States are "one...