Forgotten 1774 Declaration: Precursor to Independence and Bill of Rights
“To these grievous measures, Americans cannot submit.” That’s the bold declaration that helped spark a coordinated resistance across the colonies in 1774. On this episode, commemorating the 250th anniversary of the Declaration and Resolves of the First Continental...
Is the President a King in Disguise? The Anti-Federalist Argument
During the debates over the ratification of the Constitution, Antifederalists repeatedly warned that the President would become like a king – and the worst kind of a king – an elected one. Path to Liberty: July 24, 2024...
10th Amendment OG: Patrick Henry’s Top Views (on his birthday)
Turns out the guy who said ‘Give me Liberty or give me death!’ wasn’t a big fan of a giant, centralized government. Today, on Patrick Henry’s birthday, let’s see why he’s one of the real OGs of the 10th Amendment. Path to Liberty: May 29, 2024...