Thoughts on Moore v. United States
As part of this year’s Constitution Day event at USD Law School, I took a closer look at Moore v. United States, the pending U.S. Supreme Court tax case with significant originalist implications. It turns out to be a harder case than I had thought at first. The...
Taxation: Anti-Federalist Warnings Ignored
Unlimited power. Robbery. Consolidation. Anti-federalists repeatedly warned that a federal power of direct taxation would destroy liberty. Path to Liberty: April 17, 2023 https://traffic.libsyn.com/secure/tentherradio/path-041723.mp3Podcast: Play in new window |...
Tax Battle! Henry vs Hamilton on the Requisition System
In a huge change from the Articles of Confederation, the Constitution eliminated “requisitions,” what many saw as a primary reason for the new system of taxation. Rejecting Alexander Hamilton and other Federalists in this debate were Patrick Henry and the...