Washington’s HB 1581 – The Preservation of Liberty Act – stopping NDAA indefinite detention, is up for an important hearing in Olympia this week.

Your help is needed to get this bill passed!


1. Please CALL and EMAIL all members of the House Public Safety Committee. Urge them – strongly but politely – to PASS HB 1581 so that it can go to the full House for a vote.

It’s a good step to make calls over the holiday as well. Leave a message so their offices know first thing the next morning that a large number of people support HB1581. In your voicemail, make sure to ask that they call you back so that you can speak to the representative or staff directly.

Roger Goodman, chair   (360)786-7878    roger.goodman@leg.wa.gov
(Please thank Roger for giving this bill a hearing!)
Mary Helen Roberts, vice chair    (360)786-7950    maryhelen.roberts@leg.wa.gov
Brad Klippert    (360) 786-7882    brad.klippert@leg.wa.gov
Dave Hayes    (360)786-7914    dave.hayes@leg.wa.gov
Sherry Appleton    (360)786-7934    sherry.appleton@leg.wa.gov
Jeff Holy    (360)786-7962    jeff.holy@leg.wa.gov
Mike Hope    (360)786-7892    mike.hope@leg.wa.gov
Luis Moscoso    (360)786-7900    luis.moscoso@leg.wa.gov
(Thank Luis for co-sponsoring this bill!)
Eric Pettigrew    (360)786-7838    eric.pettigrew@leg.wa.gov
Charles Ross    (360)786-7856    charles.ross@leg.wa.gov
Dean Takko    (360)786-7806    dean.takko@leg.wa.gov

2. Make your voice heard AT the hearing.
Thursday, February 21st, 10 a.m.
Washington State House
Hearing Room D

3. Encourage your local community to take action as well. Present the Liberty Preservation Act to your city county, your town council, or your county commissioners. Various local governments around the country are already passing similar resolutions and ordinances. Local legislative action present a great way to strengthen a statewide campaign against NDAA indefinite detention

Model legislation here:

4. Join the Nullify NDAA group on Facebook. You can plan strategy and connect with other like-minded individuals. You can also report back with any feedback you get when contacting committee members above


The Committee chairman has scheduled a hearing for HB 1581, which is in the House Public Safety Committee. While the bill still has an uphill battle to come out of committee, we do want to thank Representative Goodman for his willingness to give it a hearing. Once out of committee, the bill will move to the full state house for a debate and vote.


Learn about the Washington Liberty Preservation Act

Washington State Senator Bob Hasegawa – learn about his family’s personal experience with Indefinite Detention right here in the United States

NDAA: Open Season for the Police State

Potentially Scary sections 1021 & 1022

Note: No changes were made in the 2013 NDAA, that in any way stopped the indefinite detention provisions from being in effect.