Judge Napolitano does an excellent job in this op-ed explaining the numerous ways in which using military tribunals on foreign soil to try alleged terrorists violates the Constitution.
The casual use of the word “war” has lead to a mentality among the public and even in the government that the rules of war could apply to those held at Guantanamo. But the rules of war apply only to those involved in a lawfully declared war, and not to something that the government merely calls a war. Only Congress can declare war — and thus trigger the panoply of the government’s military powers that come with that declaration. Among those powers is the ability to use military tribunals to try those who have caused us harm by violating the rules of war.
- Think Nationally, Act Locally - June 14, 2010
- Smearing Oath Keepers - March 12, 2010
- Firearms Freedom Spreading - March 12, 2010