A story today in USA Today begins, “Another congressional delegation went to the White House today to talk with President Obama about a health care bill — and another congressional delegation left without talking to reporters.” This is now the standard operating procedure for this administration’s efforts to force a form of health care insurance control through the legislative branch so the executive branch can sign it into law while the judicial branch no doubt stands ready to uphold it as Constitutional.

Many question whether the federal government can constitutionally control health insurance purchases by citizens of the United States. Career politicians, use to getting everything they want no matter, have had no supreme court ruling against the constitutionality of a law passed in nearly 70 years. They simply point to the commerce claws as proof they can, as they have since 1942. Debating whether or not it is constitutional will be a topic for another article another day. There is a more pressing question.

Can the Democratic Party, Congress, and the President of the United States draft, vote on, and sign into law jointly such an important aspect of our daily lives while avoiding tyranny? According to the teachings of Charles de Montesquieu, and many great minds, since the answer is no and, historically, always has been.

What we are all witnessing is factional control in plain sight. This is pure control by a few over many, the very definition of oligarchy.


gary wood