Got an email blast over the weekend from Campaign for Liberty’s Donna Holt about the status of HB69 (Virginia Firearms Freedom Act).
Looks like
Delegate Carrico’s HB69 has been assigned to the Senate Courts of Justice Committee.
The Senate Courts of Justice Committee meets on Mondays and Wednesdays. The bill is not on the docket for Monday but could come up as soon as Wednesday, February, 24 at 2PM in Senate Room “A” of the General Assembly building.
We need all hands on deck. If this bill is not reported out of committee, it dies and will not go to the floor for a vote. We have come too far to give up now. Please contact the members of this committee and urge them to support HB69.
Here is a list of the members of that committee:
Senator Henry L. Marsh III (D) – Chairman
Senator Richard L. Saslaw (D)
Senator Frederick M. Quayle (R)
Senator Thomas K. Norment, Jr. (R)
Senator Janet D. Howell (D)
Senator L. Louise Lucas (D)
Senator John S. Edwards (D)
Senator W. Roscoe Reynolds (D)
Senator Linda T. Puller (D)
Senator Mark D. Obenshain (R)
Senator Ryan T. McDougle (R)
Senator R. Creigh Deeds (D)
Senator Robert Hurt (R) – Co-patron
Senator A. Donald McEachin (D)
Senator J. Chapman Petersen (D)
Donna was even kind enough to include a suggested script for residents of Virginia:
Dear Senator _________________,
On January 18, 2010 I was one of approximately 2400 citizens who came to the state capitol to lobby and rally for support of Delegate Bill Carrico’s HB69, the Virginia Firearms Freedom Act.
Opponents argue that the bill would empower terrorists, gangs or criminals to engineer super weapons with daunting powers. The truth is that such weapons requires the use of a desensitized bursting charge with the use of chemicals (TNT, Trinitrophenol, RDX…) with a fuse (set with delay to explode inside the target) and HB69 does not allow federal deregulation of high-powered super weapons.
The Virginia Firearms Freedom Act is about much more than firearms. It is a bill that will redefine the federal government’s over-reaching use of the commerce clause to regulate even intrastate commerce.
Will you vote “yes” to report HB69 out of the committee in defense of the 2nd amendment rights of the citizens of Virginia. This legislation will effectively reassert our state’s rights under the 10th amendment putting commerce within the borders of the Commonwealth back in the control of the state?
(Your name)
Please help us keep the Tenth Amendment’s win streak alive in Virginia.