In 49 B.C., Julius Caesar was leading his army and came upon the Rubicon River. The Provence  on the opposite side of the river had a law that said that no general could lead armies in that province. All armies had to be disbanded and the generals could not be in front. The penalty for disobeying this law was death to the general and death to the soldiers.

Julius Caesar crossed the Rubicon River leading his army and said, “The die is cast.” – He fought and defeated the local forces and that law was then abolished. Since that time, the phrase” crossing the Rubicon” survived and represents any situation in which there is no turning back. Whatever consequences arise from this decision are accepted.

We citizens of these United States  have “crossed the Rubicon.” We are confronted daily with a federal government that is overreaching and intrusive. Their voracious appetite for power and control has encroached on our very liberty and freedom.

With a heavy hand and an abuse of power, the federal government has sought to run roughshod over the sovereignty of our states, and has insisted on making laws, rules and regulations severely curtailing the freedom, liberty and rights enjoyed by this citizenry.

We have “crossed the Rubicon” and will stand up for our freedom. I encourage you reading this to “cast your die” and join us in this endeavor.

Join and get a membership to the Tenth Amendment Center. If possible, we could use activists to aid in the various activities. Help spread the word. Arrange a meeting  and have a speaker from the Tenth Amendment Center come and make a presentation. There are many things you could do to assist.

If you will forgive my use of Patrick Henrys words, “I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death.”
