On January 16th, A1164 was introduced in the New Jersey Assembly.  The legislation will require law enforcement entities to obtain a warrant prior to using unmanned aerial vehicles (drones) in New Jersey. 

STATUS: Referred to the Assembly Homeland Security and State Preparedness Committee where it would need to pass by a majority vote before it can be considered by the full Assembly.

YOUR ACTION IS NEEDED NOW to make sure the legislation has the support it needs to move forward.

1. Call your the Chair of the Committee.  Be strong, but respectful.  Urge them to support A1164 and move the bill forward in their committee.  If they do not commit to a YES vote, ask them why.

A phone call holds as much as 10x the impact of an email.

The committee chaired by Annette Quijano (908) 327-9119

Vice-chaired by Upendra J. Chivukula (732) 247-3999

2. Call all the other members of the Committee.  Again, be strong but respectful.  Ask them each for a YES vote on A1164.  If they say they’re opposed, ask them why.  If they’re undecided or will not commit to a YES vote, let them know you will be following up in a few days after they have a chance to consider it.

Again, make sure to contact them with a phone call rather than an email.

Nancy J. Pinkin  (732) 548-1406

David C. Russo (201) 444-9719

Holly Schepisi (201) 666-0881

3. Call Back – any NO or UNDECIDED – in 3-4 days.  Ask if they’ve had a chance to review the legislation and what their opposition might be.  Comment below or contact us with any information you get.

4. On Twitter? Retweet!

5. Write a letter to the editor.  Look up your local newspaper and submit a letter to the editor voicing your support for A1164.  Following strong legal principles, it’s essential that New Jersey respects the citizen’s right to privacy by forcing law enforce to obtain a warrant before using drones for surveillance.

6. Report Back.  Tell us how your actions went.  Click the button below.