PHOENIX, Ariz. (Apr. 6, 2016) – Please take a few minutes right now: Call these two state Senators and urge them to vote YES on HB2201.

Adam Driggs 602-926-3016
Steve Pierce 602-926-5584 

Yesterday, the Arizona Senate tried to kill the bill. On the Senate floor, it failed to pass with by a 14-15 split. Senator Sylvia Allen changed her vote so that it may be re-considered.

That means it can still be saved and YOU CAN HELP.

If passed into law, it would set the stage for the state to refuse cooperation with federal acts. The bill already passed the House and all Senate committees, but needs your help now.

HB2201 is a hair’s breadth away from making it to the Governor’s desk for his signature. Your call and email to these senators can make the difference!

Please call and email Senators Pierce and Driggs ASAP and politely ask them to reconsider and vote YES.

Also, call your own state senator and urge a YES vote on the bill too.  Find their contact info at this link.

Please also help by sharing this action alert with your contacts ASAP.

Additional reporting by Mike Maharrey and Michael Boldin