SACRAMENTO, Calif. (June 27, 2018) – Yesterday, a second California Assembly committee passed a bill that would increase oversight and transparency of law enforcement surveillance technology. Passage of the bill would take the first step toward limiting the unchecked use of surveillance technologies that violate basic privacy rights and feed into a broader national surveillance state.
Sen. Jerry Hill (D-San Mateo) introduced Senate Bill 1186 (SB1186) on Feb. 15. The legislation would require local law enforcement agencies to draft a Surveillance Use Policy for each type of surveillance technology it operates and the information collected. It would then have to submit the policy to its governing body for approval at a regularly scheduled hearing, open to the public. If the plan is not adopted, the law enforcement agency would be required to cease using all surveillance technology within 30 days. The proposed law would require law enforcement agencies to amend their use policies for any new surveillance technology they acquire in the future, subject to the same approval requirements. Without approval, the agency could not use the new technology. Sheriff’s offices and district attornies would also have to get local government approval before obtaining surveillance technology.
The proposed law would establish separate procedures for the Department of the California Highway Patrol and the Department of Justice to establish their own Surveillance Use Policies.
On Tuesday, the Assembly Privacy and Consumer Protection Committee passed SB1186 by a 7-3 vote with no amendments. Last week, the Assembly Committee on Public Safety approved the measure by a 5-2 vote. The bill previously passed the Senate by a 21-15 vote.
SB1186 continues to move forward despite intense law enforcement opposition. Numerous law enforcement lobbying organizations officially opposed the measure, including the California Sheriff’s Association, LA sheriffs, Riverside sheriffs and the California Peace officers Association. Lobbying groups for sheriffs opposed the bill even before their agencies were included under the requirement for local government approval.
The bill has also overcome opposition from the Stop LAPD Spying. The anti-surveillance coalition said the bill doesn’t go far enough. Stop LAPD Spying wants an outright ban on surveillance equipment, saying, “These tools cannot be entrusted to the police; California legislative history is littered with failed police accountability bills.”
“Governing bodies like the Los Angeles Police Commission and Los Angeles City Council, against overwhelming community opposition and clear evidence of racial profiling, consistently rubber stamp and approve the acquisition and use of surveillance technologies such as drones and programs like Suspicious Activity Reporting (SAR).”
A similar measure was put on what is likely a permanent hold after passing the Senate by an identical 21-15 margin last year. Significant opposition from law enforcement interests throughout the process was almost certainly a factor in stalling SB21.
Local police have access to a mind-boggling array of surveillance equipment. As it now stands, many law enforcement agencies can obtain this high-tech, extremely intrusive technology without any approval or oversight. The federal government often provides grants and other funding sources for this spy-gear, meaning local governments can keep their purchase “off the books.” Members of the community, and even elected officials, often don’t know their police departments possess technology capable of sweeping up electronic data, phone calls and location information.
In some cases, the feds even require law enforcement agencies to sign non-disclosure agreements, wrapping surveillance programs in an even darker shroud of secrecy. We know for a fact the FBI required the Baltimore Police Department to sign such an agreement when it obtained stingray technology. This policy of nondisclosure even extends to the courtroom, with the feds actually instructing prosecutors to withdraw evidence if judges or legislators press for information. As the Baltimore Sun reported, a Baltimore detective refused to answer questions about the department’s use of stingray devices on the stand during a trial, citing a federal nondisclosure agreement.
As put it, “The FBI would rather police officers and prosecutors let ‘criminals’ go than face a possible scenario where a defendant brings a Fourth Amendment challenge to warrantless stingray spying.”
SB1186 would prevent local police in California from obtaining technology without public knowledge and would provide an avenue for concerned residents to oppose and stop the purchase of spy gear.
Impact on Federal Programs
Information collected by local law enforcement undoubtedly ends up in federal databases. The feds can share and tap into vast amounts of information gathered at the state and local level through a system known as the “information sharing environment” or ISE. In other words, local data collection using ALPRs, stingrays and other technologies create the potential for the federal government to track the movement of millions of Americans, and obtain and store information on millions of Americans, including phone calls, emails, web browsing history and text messages, all with no warrant, no probable cause, and without the people even knowing it.
According to its website, the ISE “provides analysts, operators, and investigators with information needed to enhance national security. These analysts, operators, and investigators… have mission needs to collaborate and share information with each other and with private sector partners and our foreign allies.” In other words, ISE serves as a conduit for the sharing of information gathered without a warrant.
The federal government encourages and funds surveillance technology including ALPRs, drones and stingrays at the state and local level across the U.S. In return, it undoubtedly gains access to a massive data pool on Americans without having to expend the resources to collect the information itself. By requiring approval and placing the acquisition of spy gear in the public spotlight, local governments can take the first step toward limiting the surveillance state at both the local and national level.
In a nutshell, without state and local cooperation, the feds have a much more difficult time gathering information. This represents a major blow to the surveillance state and a win for privacy.
SB1186 takes an important first step toward limiting the use of surveillance technology by addressing it at the local level.
SB1186 will now move to the Assembly Committee on Appropriations where it must pass by a majority vote before moving to the Assembly floor for a vote. This was the stage where SB21 was held up last year.
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