There I sat in front of the tube with three remotes, 202 buttons, one frazzled brain and no sound. Regardless of the buttons I pressed, it appeared I would watch the evening news and not hear it. My wife saw my dilemma, turned the TV off and then back on, and voila!

I said, “thanks.”

She said, “Keep It Simple Stupid.”

The news was reporting the Washington State smoke-in at the Space Needle. I was thinking the second hand smoke might result in a massive run on Twinkies. The residents of Washington State that took part weren’t just blowing smoke, they were asserting their new-found right to use marijuana freely without fear of arrest.

But what about their uncle in D.C. , who has thumbed his nose at state marijuana laws? The Federal Department of Justice issued the following statement: “Regardless of any changes in state law, including the change that will go into effect on Dec. 6 in Washington State, growing, selling or possessing any amount of marijuana remains illegal under federal law. ”

So, it comes down to state law vs. federal law. That raises a simple question: why did it take the 18th amendment to prohibit the use of alcohol?

The simple answer is: Because there is NOTHING in the Constitution giving the federal government the authority to make alcohol illegal. It took another amendment, the 21st, to reverse that decision. So, until they add an amendment to the Constitution making marijuana illegal, it’s not.


And considering the mountain of evidence supporting the medical benefits of marijuana, that’s not happening. The feds don’t have a leg to stand on.

The Marijuana Tax Act of 1937 (which outlawed weed)?

Bogus, man.

The Department of Justice claiming that marijuana is illegal?

Bogus, man.

The federal government’s ignorance of the Tenth Amendment?

Well, that’s not bogus, the feds really are ignorant. And you know, maybe the states are too.

What with the federal rhetoric coming out of Washington, D.C .claiming the supremacy of federal law over state law, states are not asserting their rights under the Tenth Amendment against unconstitutional mandates. The Tenth Amendment states that any power not delegated to the federal government or prohibited to the states, remains with the states or the people. President Obama has made his disdain for the Constitution abundantly clear, probably because he can’t find the part that gives the federal government the power to outlaw marijuana. For the benefit of all Americans, especially future leaders, our founding fathers designed the U.S. Constitution as a simple document delegating few federal powers.

You know, keep it simple stupid.

Ray Chuffo
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