Real REAL ID Encounters. And a remedy

Today’s email in box brought two REAL ID messages. Both of them follow below.  The first, from a FL TAC reader named Kathy expresses the frustration and sense of powerlessness we law abiding citizens face here in Florida. Please help by writing, calling and emailing...

Florida Health Care Freedom Act Returns

Rep. Scott Plakon’s  Florida Health Care Freedom Act is back and is being personally sponsored by Florida Senate President Mike Haridopolis.  The bill, HJR1 is a rarity in that senate presidents do not normally sponsor bills. Pinellas representative Lawrence Ahern is...

Has Congress Become Useless?

Gene Healy writes: Has Congress become “a useless appendix on the governmental structure”? That was what then-Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Sen. J. William Fulbright, D-Ark., feared in 1968, according to newly released transcripts from the committee’s...

States the Vehicle to Restore our Republic

Bernie DeCastro, Constitution Party candidate for US Senate in Florida, speaks at the Florida Campaign for Liberty Liberty Summit in Orlando 8/13/10-8/15/10. If you missed Bernie at the C4L event, you will get another chance at our Tenth Amendment Summit/Nullify Now!...

The 10th Amendment

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”



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The 10th Amendment

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