Obama the Nullifier?

President Barack Obama?  No, but just as shockingly, First Lady Michelle Obama has encouraged defiance of the federal government (h/t Godfather Politics). The First Lady may not be familiar with the intricacies of getting state legislatures to pass bills or even...

Getting the Message Out There

Through the social media such as Facebook and Twitter, one can gain a little insight into the mindset of elected officials at all levels of government.  As a New Jerseyan, I follow Governor Chris Christie through his Twitter feed, and frequently share my feelings...

Bipartisan Change You Can Bet On

A recent AP article featured in the Las Vegas Review Journal has said Governor Chris Christie plans to defy the federal government regarding sports betting.  According to the article, Christie said his administration will make no attempts to overturn a 1992 law that...

DC Dependency – The Real Danger

Congressman Rush Holt earlier this month proposed an amendment that would prevent federal dollars from funding police departments that resort to profiling Muslim citizens without probable cause as a tool in combating terrorism. The amendment was defeated largely along...

The 10th Amendment

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”



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