Thomas Paine: A Lifetime of Radicalism
Although he has been called “The Father of the American Revolution,” Thomas Paine was perhaps the most unlikely man in the world to carry the torch of American independence. An Englishman who was once employed by the same king he grew to despise, Paine had been a...
Thomas Paine Played Dodgeball With Death
The are many interesting facets of Thomas Paine’s life, but one that has often gone unmentioned by many other scholars was his capacity to elude an early death. On no less than seven occasions, the eminent writer’s life was almost cut short. On one occasion, fate...
Today in History: Second Continental Congress Convenes
On this date in 1775, representatives from the several colonies met in Philadelphia, forming the Second Continental Congress. Its primary purpose was to determine a colonial response to controversial happenings in New England. Massachusetts militia had recently...