
Down with the DOE!

There are no teachers in the Federal Department of Education. This bureaucracy only takes resources from the education process. In Oregon, as a state we spend $9257/year per student on education. In addition, the Federal Govt. taxes the citizens of Oregon $1500/year,...

Comments on 10th Amendment legislation miss the point

Yesterday there was an article in the Desert News about this year’s legislative session, Carl Wimmer, and the Patrick Henry Caucus has some fair insights. There is even a comment by the House Minority Assistant Whip (can these titles of nobility get any more...

NCLB – Federal Overreach in Education

Americans for Limited Government writes about No Child Left Behind.  Another example of the states being bribed, with our money, to ignore the Constitution.  Another opportunity for a strongly enforced Tenth Amendment to make a difference. By Chris Slavens The No...

The 10th Amendment

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”



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The 10th Amendment

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