Can You Really Complain About How Somebody Else Is Doing Your Job?

Members of Congress, particularly Republicans, are spending a lot of time complaining about the way President Joe Biden orchestrated America’s withdrawal from Afghanistan. But they’re ignoring the fact that if they had done their job in declaring and...

US Foreign Policy: The Definition of Insanity

After 20 disastrous years in Afghanistan, I keep hearing that if the U.S. just stuck with it a little longer and maybe tweaked the policy a bit, it could have been successful there. That’s the definition of insanity – trying the same thing over and over...

A Degeneracy of Morals and Manners

James Madison wrote about the “degeneracy of morals and manners” that happens when a country engages in war. He was talking about the war profiteering and the accompanying fraud, but there is a far more sinister degeneration of morals that happens during...