Feds Helping to Create 9,000 Spy Zones in U.S. Cities
Is there no end to Big Brother’s desire to turn America into a mirror image of China? An article in GoErie revealed how the Feds are classifying parts of cities as “Opportunity Zones” or as I call them “Opportunity Surveillance Zones”...
Thermal Imaging Surveillance Cameras Allow Police to Identify People by Gender, Body Size and Skin Color
The types of sophisticated, intrusive spy gear available to law enforcement agencies continue to proliferate at a rapid rate. Here’s yet another example. BriefCam’s “Transforming Video into Actionable Intelligence” allows law enforcement and...
New Orleans Homeland Security Creates “Platinum” Spy on Your Neighbors Cam-Share Club
Looking for that special gift for your family this holiday season? Why not signup for New Orleans Homeland Security’s “Platinum” spy on your neighbors cam-share club? According to an article in the Advocate, New Orleans law enforcement and the New...