Today, Kansas Governor Sam Brownback sent a letter in response to Eric Holder’s direct threat against the state for its new law, the 2nd Amendment Protection Act. It reads, in part:
The State of Kansas is in receipt of your letter in which you place Kansas on notice regarding the view of the Obama Administration concerning the state’s Second Amendment Protection Act.
This first sentence of Brownback’s letter is the most important. Holder’s letter took the position that the new Kansas law is unconstitutional – without question. And because of Holder’s view that he is the decider of all that is constitutional or not in this country, he threatened the state – and thus the People – of Kansas.
Brownback showed quite a bit of savvy with that sentence. He absolutely brushed off Holder by pointing out that his letter only represented “the view of the Obama Administration…”
Just because Eric Holder claims that the Kansas law is unconstitutional, doesn’t make it so. And Holder’s claim that he had no idea about “fast and furious” probably doesn’t make that so either.
Sam Brownback did a great service to the People of Kansas by reminding them that Holder is just sharing his opinion.
He also noted that the Kansas nullification law comes from the source of political power to which no American government is above – the People themselves.
“The people of Kansas have clearly expressed their sovereign will.”
Eric Holder doesn’t get to tell the People what THEIR constitution means. It’s the other way around.
Read the full statement below. Take action in support of Kansas – details here:
Sam Brownback responds to Eric Holder over 2nd Amendment Protection Act by Tenth Amendment Center