“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”
"Independent of the control or interference of the federal government." That’s how Tench Coxe described the vast majority of power under the Constitution - reserved to the states and completely ...
The proposed law would ban the state, all of its political subdivisions, and their employees from "knowingly and willingly participating in any way in the enforcement of any federal act, ...
The New Hampshire Defend the Guard Act is scheduled for a House committee hearing on Friday, Jan. 17. You can take some simple, quick steps to help move the bill ...
The legislation would replace the state’s civil asset forfeiture process with a criminal procedure. Under the proposed law, forfeiture could only occur if the “prosecuting authority secures a conviction of ...
Under the proposed law "specie," defined as "gold or silver valued primarily based on its metal content and in the form of coin or bullion," would be recognized as legal ...
The legislation would prohibit the governor from releasing any unit or member of the Kentucky National Guard into “active duty combat” unless Congress “has passed an official declaration of war,” or “taken an ...
The passage of this legislation into law would allow the development of a raw milk market in Kentucky and also take an important step toward further rejecting a federal prohibition ...
Under the proposed law, the state treasurer would be required to hold not less than $10 million in specie and specie legal tender "between and across all state-managed accounts." Specie ...
A bill introduced in the Colorado House would end civil asset forfeiture in the state and impose significant new restrictions on law enforcement's ability to bypass state laws through federal ...
Under the proposed law, a search warrant could not "authorize a law enforcement officer executing the warrant to enter a building, an apartment, a premises, or a place to be ...
January 10, 1776: Thomas Paine didn’t hold back in Common Sense. Far more than just a call for independence from Britain, it was a bold and uncompromising attack on unlimited, ...
Under the proposed law, a consumer would be able to buy raw milk directly from a producer in person or online and pick it up from “a grocery store, restaurant, ...
Under the Nebraska code, taxpayers use federal adjusted gross income as a starting point for state taxes. LB1317 allows taxpayers to reduce their gross income for state purposes by the ...