Tenther Blog

Alien Enemies Act: Why James Madison DIDN'T Oppose it

Alien Enemies Act: Why James Madison DIDN’T Oppose it

"With respect to alien enemies, no doubt has been intimated as to the federal authority over them." That was James Madison, referring to the Alien Enemies Act of 1798 - ...
Florida House Subcommittee Passes Bill to Recognize Gold and Silver Legal Tender

Florida House Subcommittee Passes Bill to Recognize Gold and Silver Legal Tender

Under House Bill 999 (H999), sponsored by Rep. Doug Bankson and Rep. Monique Miller, “specie legal tender” would be recognized as legal tender for the “payment of debts, public charges, taxes, ...
Is Trump Really Cutting the Size of Government?

Is Trump Really Cutting the Size of Government?

Democrats, Republicans, and the mass media all have incentives to exaggerate the scope of the Trump administration’s firings, just as they had incentives to exaggerate the alleged regulatory reductions during the first ...
Idaho Constitutional Money Act Signed as Law

Idaho Constitutional Money Act Signed as Law

Under the Idaho Constitutional Money Act of 2025, which goes into effect on July 1, 2025, gold and silver coins and “specie” minted domestically will be recognized as legal tender in ...
Alabama House Committee Unanimously Passes Bill to Recognize Gold and Silver as Legal Tender

Alabama House Committee Unanimously Passes Bill to Recognize Gold and Silver as Legal Tender

On March 19, the House Committee on Financial Services unanimously advanced the Alabama Legal Tender Act, Senate Bill 130 (SB130) sponsored by Sen. Tim Melson. The Senate previously approved the measure ...
Arkansas House Passes Bill to Prohibit Credit Card Codes to Track Firearms Purchases

Arkansas House Passes Bill to Prohibit Credit Card Codes to Track Firearms Purchases

Under House Bill 1509 (HB1509), the Second Amendment Financial Privacy Act, a payment card network operating in Arkansas would be prohibited from requiring the use of or assigning a merchant ...
Kansas Senate Committee Passes Bill to Make Gold and Silver Legal Tender, End Taxes on Both

Kansas Senate Committee Passes Bill to Make Gold and Silver Legal Tender, End Taxes on Both

Under Senate Bill 39 (SB39), “specie legal tender” would be a “recognized medium of exchange for the payment of debts and taxes.” This would include gold and silver coins and bullion ...
Texas House Panel Holds Hearing on Defend the Guard Act

Texas House Panel Holds Hearing on Defend the Guard Act

A Texas House subcommittee held a hearing on the Texas Defend the Guard Act on Monday, an important first step in the legislative process. The bill would require the governor ...
The "Declare War" Lie: What the Founders and Constitution REALLY Said

The “Declare War” Lie: What the Founders and Constitution REALLY Said

Almost every politician and so-called expert wants you to believe the president can unilaterally take the United States to war - just as long as they don’t call it a ...
To the Governor: Kentucky Bill Would Reinstate Vetoed Sales Tax Exemption on Gold and Silver

To the Governor: Kentucky Bill Would Reinstate Vetoed Sales Tax Exemption on Gold and Silver

Rep. TJ Roberts, along with a large coalition of cosponsors, filed House Bill 2 (HB2) to end collection of the tax and to provide a legal process for those charged ...
Arkansas House Committee Advances Bill to Prohibit Credit Card Codes to Track Firearms Purchases

Arkansas House Committee Advances Bill to Prohibit Credit Card Codes to Track Firearms Purchases

nder the Second Amendment Financial Privacy Act, a payment card network operating in Arkansas would be prohibited from requiring the use of or assigning a merchant category code "that distinguishes a ...
The Supremacy Clause Hoax: How We Became What the Founders Fought

The Supremacy Clause Hoax: How We Became What the Founders Fought

Federal law is NOT always supreme - far from it. That’s a myth ripped straight from the British system that sparked the American Revolution. This episode exposes the Supremacy Clause ...
To the Governor: Idaho Passes Bill to Recognize Gold and Silver as Legal Tender

To the Governor: Idaho Passes Bill to Recognize Gold and Silver as Legal Tender

Under the Idaho Constitutional Money Act of 2025, gold and silver coins and “specie” minted domestically would be recognized as legal tender in the state and would be “accepted for the satisfaction ...