One place that most “tenthers” don’t expect to find people who understand the principles of decentralization that the 10th Amendment Stands for is in “liberal capitols” like NYC, LA, SF, and the like.
But, keep in mind that decentralization is certainly not about the promotion of “conservative” ideals – or “liberal” ideals, either. It’s about recognizing that no matter what kind of belief system you hold, the best way to promote it is in your own area. And the worst is working for one-size-fits all solutions in far-off D.C.
This recent editorial in the San Francisco Examiner shows us just well some people are “getting it” these days. Here’s an excerpt:
There’s a growing movement on the part of states to override federal laws and regulations under the 10th Amendment, which reserves powers to the states not delegated to the federal government. So far, the battle lines have been drawn at Real ID, medical marijuana and firearms, but federally mandated health insurance may not be far behind.
Nearly 20 other states have similar legislation in the works, including directives to their governors to order National Guard troops home from Iraq and Afghanistan. Next year, Arizona will have a state constitutional amendment on the ballot that allows residents to opt out of any national health care program.
Click Here to read the full article
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