Some Tennessee legislators sent the attorney general the follow letter, claiming the state’s right to refuse the unconstitutional national healthcare plan.

Attorney General Robert E. Cooper, Jr.
P.O. Box 20207
Nashville, TN 37202-0207

Dear General Cooper,

This letter is to formally request that you prepare to take the appropriate legal action against the federal government in the event HR 3200 passes into law. We request this action in order to grant Tennessee relief from the unfunded mandate contained in the bill requiring Tennessee to comply with the expansion of the federal Medicaid program.

Under this bill, Tennessee would be forced to expand our Medicaid program, potentially costing the citizens of this state $1.4 billion dollars in additional state taxpayer funds annually. Such an increase would place a great burden on the citizens of this state. It is clear by the wording of the legislation itself that not every state would face a similar and equal burden.

We see this as a violation of equal protection of the law, an affront to our sovereignty, and a breach of the U.S. Constitution.

The passage of this bill is imminent, and as Governor Bredesen has noted, “We can’t print money.” This bill would expand the program beyond the fiscal capacity of this state.

Thank you for your timely attention of this matter.

Most sincerely,

Susan Lynn
State Representative
District 57

Debra Young Maggart
State Representative
District 45