As a Tennessean I am proud to see my current Lt. Governor and gubernatorial candidate, Ron Ramsey, fighting against the unconstitutional health reform package passed by our federal government. Below is Lt. Governor Ramsey’s recent press release calling on our state to assert its Tenth Amendment rights.
March 22, 2010
The healthcare legislation passed yesterday is a disaster for Tennessee citizens and our constitutional requirement to maintain a balanced budget. It will raise taxes on Tennessee citizens while stripping away the right to control one’s own medical decisions.I believe the bill passed yesterday by the U.S. House is unconstitutional and I am calling on Attorney General Cooper to join the 11 state Attorneys General already planning to challenge the constitutionality of the bill.
Individual states must challenge this legislation immediately to halt its implementation. The longer we wait, the more it will cost the state of Tennessee and her citizens. Washington has forced this problem upon us – it is now up to state leaders to stop this unfunded mandate from breaking state budgets across the country.
- Tennessee Lt. Governor’s Ad Affirms Tenth Amendment Stance - April 19, 2010
- 5 Positives from Obamacare’s Passage - March 26, 2010
- Tennessee’s Lt. Gov. Fighting Back - March 24, 2010