Did you know it is the sworn duty of every state legislator to support the U.S. Constitution? Some current occupants of the Idaho state legislature do not see it that way.
Here are the rules:
Article 6, Clause 3 of the U.S. Constitution states: “…members of the several state legislatures…shall be bound by oath or affirmation, to support this Constitution…”
And, Article 1, Section 10, Clause 1 states: “No state shall…coin money; emit bills of credit; make anything but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts;…”
And, Article 1, Section 3 of the Constitution of the State of Idaho states: “…the Constitution of the United States is the supreme law of the land.”
Hubris Will Destroy Our Country
Legislators who believe the Constitution is a “living breathing document” that can be arbitrarily ignored, please, read what Dr. Edwin Vieira, Jr., a constitutional scholar, stated on February 21 of this year. “Any time senators and representatives treat constitutional limitations on their prerogatives as some kind of contemptible joke; they are in effect committing perjury.”
The “Expert” Syndrome
Others will say they consider the issue too complicated and it should be left to the “experts.” Because this rationalization for non-action is often heard, at the risk of sounding offensive, I want to make clear what is at stake. The ‘experts” in this case are the ones with a vested interest: the bankers, mercantilists, and career politicians. I mean no disrespect, but it is past time for lawmakers to start educating themselves and doing what is right for the people and the country.
Bill Denman, a member of our task force, said, “Since there are fundamental principles involved, we don’t have to rely on…the opinions of experts to resolve the ‘gold versus paper money’ or the ‘government control of money’ issues.”
Orwellian Doublespeak
The American people are saddled with legislators that disdain their oath and refuse to pick-up the constitution and read it. Paragraph two of this paper is not that complicated; it simply lists those fundamental principles, referred to by Mr. Denman. Legislators think they are above the rule of law, but they are not. “Lawbreaking is lawmaking” and “unconstitutional money is legal tender” are memes (themes) that remind us of George Orwell’s world of 1984. These concepts should not be in our world.
Constitutional Gold Abandoned Illegally
On the federal level, in 1971 the Federal Reserve System (Fed) officially abandoned the constitutional gold and silver mandate. Years of mismanagement of money supply by the Fed depleted our gold reserve backing. We could no longer honor redemption requests (namely, France wanted to exchange their paper USD for gold bullion). Today, the U.S. Dollar (USD), called legal tender or the Federal Reserve Note, has no gold or silver backing, and yet congressmen claim everything is perfectly legal, because they say it is.
This failure to support the greatest constitution ever written in the history of man has abused and outraged the people. Today we face the consequences: big government enabled by central banking, a failing fractional reserve system funded by dishonest fiat money controlled by a few, and a deeply troubled economy.
- Idaho HB 622: The Rule of Law - March 17, 2010