Sen. Margaret Dayton (R-Orem) introduced SB-11, Utah State-Made Firearms Protection Act on January 25th, 2010.   By February 16th the legislative debates were over and the bill was passed by both houses and sent to Gov. Gary Herbert for his signature.  After 10 days of public debate, with both sides of the issue encouraging action Gov. Herbert signed this fundamental legislation into law.

In a written statement Gov. Herbert explained his reasoning.  “There are times when the state needs to push back against continued encroachment from the federal government. Sending the message that we will stand up for a proper balance between the state and federal government is a good thing.”  Opponents will spend the next several days declaring their stance and criticizing his decision.  At the same time the federal government will realize Utah has joined with Montana and Tennessee as states serious about the need for our federalist republic to be restored.

Our federal government is to be supreme in all matters pursuant to the U.S. Constitution.  The improper precedents and usurpations under the federal judicial rulings surrounding Article 1, Section 8, Clause 3 (known as the Commerce Clause) are not supreme simply due to the fact they are outside the original meaning.  By signing SB-11 Gov. Herbert places Utah in a position of proper authority while pressing the issue of supremacy back into the courts.  As more states join this courageous move governing can begin the necessary restoration that will ultimately lead to the protection of people’s rights and responsibility.


gary wood