I ran a website traffic report this morning, and put together a list of what articles have been the most-read on the site this year. I hope to do some monthly updates like this in the near future. Interesting, to say the least!

1. The FDA vs Raw Milk and the Constitution – by Mike Adams

2. Wyoming Governor signs sovereignty resolution – by Michael Boldin

3. Is the Current Census Constitutional? – by Harold Pease

4. Arizonans Dare to Defy the Feds Again! – by Derek Sheriff

5. Kill the Bill, Invoke the 10th! – by Brian Roberts

6. Obama is not Lying, but He Thinks He is – by Brian Roberts

7. Nullification: It’s Official – by Derek Sheriff

8. NH Legislators Look to Nullify Federal Gun Laws – by Michael Boldin

9. Washington State to Consider Nullification of Federal Gun Laws – by Michael Boldin

10. Who’s Supreme? The Supremacy Clause Smackdown! – by Brion McClanahan

Michael Boldin