My book Nullification: How to Resist Federal Tyranny in the 21st Century, has been released. It’s going to be a lot harder to get the kind of media for this book that I’ve had for some of my others, so I’d be grateful for the help of friends and supporters in getting the word out. Please consider joining the brand new Facebook page for the book as well.

Everything else has been tried. It’s all been a failure. The federal government is as big and out of control as ever.

Time to try something new. Or, in this case, something old. Time to try nullification — Thomas Jefferson’s remedy for a limitless federal government.

The return of nullification has the establishment in hysterics — a sure sign we are doing something right. Here’s the book that tells you all about it, with history and documents you didn’t read in school. It’s already going on all over the country. Read the book, and be a part of it.