Tom Woods’ very important new book is available for preorder on Amazon. Let’s make it #1 before the publication date. Here is the jacket copy:

Unconstitutional laws are pouring out of Washington…but we can stop them. Just ask Thomas Jefferson. There is a “rightful remedy” to federal power grabs—it’s called Nullification.

In Nullification: How to Resist Federal Tyranny in the 21st Century, historian and New York Times bestselling author Thomas E. Woods, Jr. explains not only why nullification is the constitutional tool the Founders envisioned, but how it works—and has already been employed in cases ranging from upholding the First Amendment to knocking down slave laws before the Civil War. In Nullification, Woods shows:

  • How the states were meant to be checks against federal tyranny—and how a growing roster of governors and state attorneys general are recognizing they need to become that again
  • Why the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution reinforces the rights of states to nullify unconstitutional laws
  • Why it was left to the states to uphold the simple principle that an unconstitutional law is no law at all
  • Why, without nullification, ordinary Americans will continue to suffer the oppression of unjust, unconstitutional laws
  • How, through nullification, “stimulus spending,” Obamacare, and other unconstitutional expansions of federal power can be rolled back
  • PLUS thorough documentation of how the Founding Fathers believed nullification could be applied

Nullification is not just a book—it could become a movement to restore the proper constitutional limits of the federal government. Powerful, provocative, and timely, Nullification is sure to stir debate and become a constitutional handbook for all liberty-loving Americans.

And it’s just $16.47, thanks to the great Amazon discount, from the retail price of $24.85. Let’s make it #1.

cross-posted from the blog

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The 10th Amendment

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”



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