This video came to me in a forwarded e-mail.  I’ll leave the in depth analysis to the experts, but here are some  points that jump out at me…

  • The cost/deficit numbers are low ball numbers based upon CBO estimates which were already discredited a week after the bill was signed into law.
  • There is no such thing as “government money”.  That’s a sugar-coated way of saying money confiscated from tax payers.
  • It is misleading to say that money to pay for the reforms is coming from insurance companies, hospitals and tanning salons.  All of those entities will pass the costs along to consumers.
  • Declaring that preventive services will be “free” is objectionable.  The money to pay for all of these reforms, although laundered through the institutions above, will all be coming from tax payers and consumers.

Finally, and most importantly, health insurance is not a power which has been Constitutionally delegated to our federal government.  If individual states want to implement socialized health care, that would be fine.  For the federal government to claim this power is a usurpation of power.

The last line of the video says, “politicians and pundits will be talking to you as if you’ve got no idea what’s in that thousand page law, but by watching this, you’re on your way to getting informed and you can make sure your friends and family are too, just by passing this little video around”.  It might have been more accurate to use the word, “misinformed”.

cross-posted from the Pennsylvania Tenth Amendment Center

Steve Palmer