The following email alert went out from the South Dakota Tea Party Alliance yesterda morning:
(Pierre) – The Health Care Freedom Act was introduced yesterday afternoon to nullify the worst parts of ObamaCare in South Dakota.
Officially numbered HB 1088, this important bill recognizes the state’s right to protect its citizens from unconstitutional health care requirements imposed by the federal government. If passed, HB 1088 would nullify the mandate forcing you to purchase certain insurance. The bill would also nullify any federal laws restricting your right choose your doctor or health care plan.
The Health Care Freedom Act has already been scheduled for its first vote in the House State Affairs committee. The fact that it is up for a vote so quickly is not a good sign, and may indicate that Majority Leader David Lust and House Speaker Val Rausch intend to kill the bill. Please take action right away!
Please contact the members of the House State Affairs Committee as soon as possible. The vote on the Health Care Freedom Act (HB 1088) could take place as early as 7:45 tomorrow morning. It is vital that the committee hear from you today.
You can call and leave a message for the committee members at (605) 773-3851. A Legislative Page will be there to take your message. You can leave a message for two Representatives at a time, and your message need be nothing more than “Please ask Representatives _________ to vote YES on HB 1088.”
You can also email them at the addresses below, or click on the links to email them through the online email system. Feel free to use the sample message below to help direct your comments.
It’s OK if some of these legislators are not from your district. As a committee, they represent the entire state. Please contact as many of them as possible. Also, please note that Representatives Charles Hoffman and Hal Wick are co-sponsors on the bill. Please be sure to thank them for their support and urge them to vote for the bill.
Once again, it is vital that these Legislators hear from you before 7:45 tomorrow morning (Wednesday, January 26). Please take action today.
House State Affairs Committee
Rep. David Lust – – use online email
Rep. Val Rausch – – use online email
Rep. Brian Gosch – – use online email
Rep. Gene Abdallah – – use online email
Rep. Justin Cronin – – use online email
Rep. Nick Moser – – use online email
Rep. Charles Turbiville – – use online email
Rep. Susy Blake – – use online email
Rep. Mitch Fargen – – use online email
Rep. Peggy Gibson – – use online email
Rep. Bernie Hunhoff – – use online email
Rep. Charles Hoffman – – use online email
Rep. Hal Wick – – use online email
————-Sample Message————-
Dear Representative,
I respectfully urge you to vote for HB 1088, the Health Care Freedom Act.
This bill is an important part of the fight against ObamaCare. The federal mandates that are addressed in HB 1088 are clearly unconstitutional, and the state of South Dakota must be able to protect its citizens from this kind of tyranny.
Federal laws which would force me to purchase health insurance or that would enable some federal bureaucrat to determine whether or not I can see my doctor or have access to certain treatments is simply outrageous.
Please stand with the overwhelming majority in South Dakota and vote against ObamaCare. Please vote YES on HB 1088.
- South Dakota House Again Wimps Out Against ObamaCare - February 11, 2011
- Act Now: SD Health Care Freedom Act Introduced - January 26, 2011
- Obama Admin: We Lied, Health Care Mandate IS a Tax - July 20, 2010