This week, the Maine House Of Representatives voted 79-67, to pass a Tenth Amendment Resolution introduced by Representative Rich Cebra (R-Naples). The vote was almost party line, with all Republicans present voting for the Resolution and all but two Democrats present voting against. The two Democrats who voted in favor of the resolution are Representatives Stephen Hanley (D-Gardiner) and Michael Shaw (D-Standish).
Rep. Cebra has previously introduced a Tenth Amendment Resolution when the Legislature was under Democratic control, but it failed to make it out of committee.
The legislation, while being a non-binding resolution, sends a clear message to Washington D.C. in defense of States’ Rights under the Tenth Amendment of the United States Constitution. Maine has already taken a stand with introducing various legislation to refuse compliance with the federal REAL ID Act, to nullify the Patient Protection And Affordable Care Act, to nullify all unconstitutional Intrastate Commerce laws, to nullify federal Marijuana prohibition, and to return control of the National Guard to the Governor.
The resolution will go onto the Maine Senate, where it already has five sponsors in Senators Ron Collins (R-York), Garrett Mason (R-Androscoggin), Debra Plowman (R-Penobscot), Lois Snowe-Mello (R-Androscoggin), and Doug Thomas (R-Somerset).
Text of the bill can be found here.
Seventeen other States this year have introduced similar legislation, while only North Dakota has had it clear both Houses. Please contact your State Senator and urge that Maine become the second to accomplish this. For information on how to find your Senator and contact information, please go here.
- Millinocket, Maine Passes 2nd Amendment Preservation Resolution - March 15, 2013
- Brooksville Joins Maine Food Sovereignty Movement - March 15, 2013
- Maine’s Governor LePage Refuses To Implement Obamacare Exchanges - November 17, 2012