No,I don’t think they did, these men knew human nature , declaring there independence from a monarchy made them well aware of the tryanny that absolute power derives.

The Anti-Federalist were fighting to keep the ”Spirit of 76″ alive and incorporate it into the Constitution and they would have, if they had a better publisher then the Federalist did,but that isn’t the case and we are all quoting the Federalist papers instead,which gives us the bases for all our princples that we stand on when we are trying to convey our discontent with the federal gov’t.

And so the fight with the Fed. has been going on even before Mr.Jefferson put the first words on parchment with his quill.Here are just some of the reason the Anti-Federalist gave against a central gov’t

This is George Mason (The Father of the Bill of Rights) on the notion that lesser government bodies(the states) could effectively share sovernignty with a central power”two concurrent powers cannot exist long together;the one will destroy the other.” I like this one ,it just says An Old Whig wrote” There is a spirit of rivalship in power which will not suffer two suns to shine in the same firmament;one will speedily darken the other,and the individual states will be as totally eclipsed as the stars in the meridian blaze of the sun”

Brutus wrote” Government exercised without limitation,will introduce itself into every corner of the city and country.The national government will wait upon the ladies at their toilett,and will not leave them in any of their domestic concerns; it will accompany them to the ball,the play,and the assembly;it will go with them when they visit and will,on all occasions sit beside them in their carriages,nor will it desert them even at church; it will enter the house of every gentlemen,watch over his cellar,wait upon his cook in the kithen,follow the servants into the parlour,preside over the table,and note down all he eats or drinks;it will attend him to his bed-chamber,and watch him while he sleeps; it will take cognizance of the proffesional man in his office or his study; it will watch the merchant in the counting house or in his store; it will follow the mechanic to his shop and in his work,and will haunt him in his family and in his bed; it will be a constant companion of the industrious farmer in all his labour;it will be with him in the house and in the field,observe the toil of his hands and the sweat of his brow; it will penetrate into the most obscure cottage; and finally,all these different classes of people and in all these circumstances in which it will attend them,the language it will address them will be, GIVE! GIVE!

Pretty amazing! that was written in 1787, all you have to do is modernize this paragraph and it would be at home here in 2011

Dennis Bamford