by Tracy Ward, Liberty Restoration Project

Nullify Now! is an extremely important event that we at the Liberty Restoration Project are supporting. We strongly urge you to attend on August 20th in Kansas City. You must reserve you tickets in advance. Please do so here, and read on for more event details…

Crushing debt, health care mandates, “super” congress, and more. The list of constitutional violations from DC never seems to end. The good news is that we don’t have to wait for DC to fix itself. As Thomas Jefferson told us, state nullification is “THE RIGHTFUL REMEDY” to unconstitutional actions by the federal government.

At Nullify Now! Kansas City, you’ll hear nationally-renowned speaker Thomas Woods (and nine others) present the constitutional case for nullification. You’ll learn:

–The constitutional basis for nullification. Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and others

–How nullification has been used in history. It’s NOT what the government schools have taught you.

–How nullification is being called upon right now vs Obamacare, to protect gun rights, against the TSA, and more.

–What YOU CAN DO RIGHT NOW to get your state to put a stop to the Feds.

The 10th Amendment is our modern line in the sand. Please join us and let’s put it into effect…together, in our state!

Get your tickets for Nullify Now! today!

And please share this information widely. Thank you!

Much love and liberty,
Tracy Ward