(NaturalNews) A new animation created by Mike Adams and released by NaturalNews depicts a happy dog achieving a unique victory over FDA tyrants who conduct armed raids on raw milk farmers and merchants. Scripted and voiced by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, this animation tells the (short) story of a dog entering a farmer’s market to buy raw milk and then witnessing an armed FDA raid on an innocent farmer offering raw dairy products for sale.
The video is featured on the new raw milk page at NaturalNews:
Government agents target food distribution centers for destruction
The animation follows on the heels of the recentRawesome Foods raidsconducted by the FDA and the California Dept. of Agriculture, where government agents conducted an armed, SWAT-style raid on a food distribution center in Venice, California (http://www.naturalnews.com/033220_R…).
To help educate the public about the accelerating frequency of acts of intimidation and terrorism being pursued by the United States government, NaturalNews has also publisheda detailed timelineof the history of FDA armed raids:
“The FDA unabashedly functions as a domestic terrorist organization,” says Mike Adams, editor of NaturalNews and creator of the “Raw Milk Rover” animation. “The U.S. Food and Drug Administration routinely uses intimidation tactics, the threat of violence, the destruction of business property, theft of business records, false search warrants, false imprisonment and fabricated research data to achieve its political goal of protecting the processed dairy industry from competition.”
Videos recorded during the Rawesome Foods raid fully support these claims, revealing how the FDA conspired by California government agents to pillage the Rawesome Foods distribution center and destroy tens of thousands of dollars worth of fresh milk, cheese, watermelons and mangos (http://www.naturalnews.com/033258_R…) while stealing computers and cash.
The FDA’s terrorism tactics have backfired on the rogue agency, of course, causingdistrust of governmentto spread like wildfire throughout the progressive community which has traditionally supported a larger government role in so-called “food safety.” Now, huge numbers of people are realizing that granting the FDA expanded powers over food safety is sort of like handing a flamethrower to an arsonist. The FDA consistently uses its powers to attack and intimidate dietary supplement manufacturers, advanced medicine pioneers (http://www.naturalnews.com/032998_B…) and destroy the businesses of farmers and small health food operations.
Learn more about the FDA’s campaign of terrorism against innocent Americans at:
A new documentary tells the full story of the FDA’s raids on farmers — including innocent Amish— at www.FarmageddonMovie.com
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