cross-posted from the Pennsylvania Tenth Amendment Center
The list below contains the Tenth Amendment related legislation which we are currently tracking in the Pennsylvania legislature. Changes from our last update include:
- SB3 was dropped from tracking as it claims its authority under the PPACA, not the Tenth Amendment.
- HB1653 changed committees on June 23, 2011
- HB42 is the subject of a petition currently circulating among grassroots groups in the state. Use our contact page to reach us if you would like to receive a copy for yourself or your group to sign and submit.
Detailed Legislation Status
Asserting Pennsylvania’s State Prerogatives under the Tenth Amendment
- HR49 – State Sovereignty Resolution – Representative SWANGER – Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT, Feb 1, 2011.
- SR9 – State Sovereignty Resolution – Senator SCARNATI -Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT, Jan. 12, 2011.
Health Care Freedom – Asserting Tenth Amendment Authority over Health Care
in Pennsylvania
- HB42 – An Act providing for the rights of individuals to purchase private health care insurance; and prohibiting certain governmental action. – Representative BAKER – Re-committed to APPROPRIATIONS, Feb 8, 2011.
- HB1653 – An Act providing for the medical use of marijuana. – Representative COHEN – Re-referred to HUMAN SERVICES, June 23, 2011 [House]
- SB10 – A Joint Resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, providing for health care services. – Senator SCARNATI – Referred to BANKING AND INSURANCE, Jan 21, 2011.
- SB220 – An Act amending Title 40 (Insurance) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, providing for health insurance coverage not required. – Senator FOLMER – Referred to BANKING AND INSURANCE, Jan 21, 2011.
- SB1003 – An Act providing for the medical use of marijuana; and repealing provisions of law that prohibit and penalize marijuana use. – Senator LEACH – Referred to PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE
Protecting Pennsylvanians from Unconstitutional TSA Intrusions
- HR16 – A Resolution memorializing Congress to address concerns raised by security screening methods employed by the Transportation Security Administration. – Representative TALLMAN – Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT, Jan 20, 2011.
- HB852 – An Act amending Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, providing for indecent assault during the course of body search. – Representative TALLMAN – Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT, Feb 28, 2011.
Protecting Pennsylvanians’ privacy from Unconstitutional National ID requirements
- SB354 – An Act relating to compliance with the Federal REAL ID Act of 2005. – Senator FOLMER – Re-referred to APPROPRIATIONS, June 23, 2011 [Senate]
- SB355 – An Act providing for the electronic swiping of a driver’s license or identification card. – Senator WOZNIAK – Re-referred to APPROPRIATIONS, June 23, 2011 [Senate]
- SB356 – An Act providing for biometric protection and for penalties. – Senator KITCHEN – Re-referred to APPROPRIATIONS, June 23, 2011 [Senate]
Protecting Pennsylvanians’ right to bear arms from Commerce Clause scope creep
- HB752 – An Act prohibiting certain firearms, firearm accessories or ammunition from being subject to Federal law or Federal regulation. – Representative GABLER – Referred to JUDICIARY, Feb 17, 2011.
* How a Bill Becomes a Law in Pennsylvania, describes the process a bill goes through to become a law in Pennsylvania. In short, every bill must be voted out of committee, and undergo three considerations in both the PA House and Senate before going to the Governor to be signed into law. If either house amends the bill so that the versions passed by the House and Senate differ, the differences must be resolved by a “conference committee” and reapproved by votes in both houses.
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