cross-posted from the Pennsylvania Tenth Amendment Center
Debt Slavery: Debt bondage (or bonded labour) is when a person pledges him or herself against a loan. In debt bondage, the services required to repay the debt may be undefined, and the services’ duration may be undefined. Debt bondage can be passed on from generation to generation.
With more than $15 Trillion in debt, our government has institutionalized debt bondage against our adults, our children and even against generations yet unborn. Yet, our legacy media remains mostly silent.
Instead, they smugly and self-righteously lecture Victoria’s Secret for allowing children to work, (presumably) voluntarily and with the consent of their parents in order to lift themselves out of poverty.
In the movie, Annie, when Annie and Daddy Warbucks meet with President Roosevelt, Daddy Warbucks makes a comment along the lines that Roosevelt’s redistributionist policies were “big-hearted and empty-headed”. In today’s world, these sorts of policies are still empty-headed, but they can no longer lay claim to being big-hearted.
When you promote policies that require the government to conscript the labor of countless unborn children for scores of years to come in order to satisfy the whims of the moment… When you would enslave my son in debt to pay for my neighbors’ electric golf carts… you can no longer claim to be big-hearted. When you promote these policies, you are a thug and a slaver, nothing else.
At least the child labor that feeds Victoria’s secret’s business is not done at the point of Uncle Sam’s guns. We truly live in some sort of bizarro world when the would be slave masters laud themselves as humanitarians.
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