Idaho has become the third state to introduce sound money legislation in the last 12 months.  Idaho HB430 was recently introduced by Rep. Phil Hart which declares:  “”Gold and silver coin” means all such “gold and silver Coin” as are allowable for a state (a) to “make …a Tender in Payment of Debts” under the authority reserved to the several states in Clause 1, Section 10, Article I of, and the Tenth Amendment to, the Constitution of the United States, or (b) to employ as its own media of exchange in the performance of its sovereign governmental functions.”

Article 1 Section 10 of our Constitution gains momentum as a “go to” clause for states to assert their right to protect their citizens from the debasement of the Federal Reserve’s national currency.  The reason is easy to understand for anyone who can use a calculator.  Our nation is broke.  It will never repay its debt with dollars that carry the same purchasing power as today’s already debased currency, and a greater number of Americans are on to the game of wealth confiscation through inflation.

The wisdom of our Founding Fathers stands the test of time, even if we as a nation do crazy things like ignore their counsel for – oh, say – a hundred years.  State by state, a stand is being made.  Economic prosperity, freedom, and protection are at the end of the gold and silver rainbow.  If your state has introduced sound money legislation (currently Idaho, Washington and soon to be South Carolina and Missouri), please call your representatives and ask them to support it.

CLICK HERE – to track the status of Constitutional Tender legislation across the country.
