Colorado – taking a stand against the NDAA. Fremont, El Paso, now Weld County say NO to Indefinite Detention.

Some people argue that principles of state sovereignty would be a pointless strategy in their state. They argue that their statehouse is even more corrupt than the Feds and in some cases, they may have a point.

Fortunately there is much that can be done at the county level. Sources are telling Tenth Amendment Center that there are a high number of counties in Colorado alone that are ready to turn back the NDAA.

In recent weeks, the counties of Fremont and El Paso passed resolutions opposing sections 1021 and/or 1022 of the National Defense Authorization Act – what some refer to as the “kidnapping provisions” of the act. And this week, Weld County joined them in this stand by passing a unanimous resolution stating its “opposition to the authority affirmed in Section 1021” of the legislation Monday.

“The issue at hand is not a publicity stunt, it’s not politics … It’s the constitution,” Scooter McGee, radio talk show host for 1310 KFKA News Talk, told commissioners Monday before they voted on the issue.

Jeffrey Hare, who is running for House District 48, came to show his support for the resolution as well. “I’ve been following this a long time like Scooter,” Hare said. He said there are already laws on the books that deal with criminal citizens, so there is no reason to introduce something new.

Tisha Casida, who is running for congress in Colorado, spoke with The Tenth Amendment Center and indicated a high level of interest amongst CO counties that she’s been to during her campaign stops.

“Most of the counties I’ve been to recently are talking about nullifying the NDAA,” said Casida. “There’s a ton of talk about the 10th Amendment and laws like the one passed in El Paso County earlier this month are the real deal.”

Harder to tame than a willful statehouse might be a cluster of counties, each one individually nullifying through local law. The claimed power of the Federal Government to incarcerate Americans without trial is not one that is being accepted by many Americans.

Tenth Amendment Center announced new model legislation last week, The Liberty Preservation Act. It would nullify the NDAA and is ready to be introduced in any state. The LPA has all the language needed to turn away the NDAA at your state line. Get all the info at:

Track NDAA nullification across the country here: