MADISON, Wisc. (March 26, 2012) – The Supreme Court will begin hearing arguments on the constitutionality of the federal health care act in the coming days. Many opponents of the federal government’s sweeping takeover of America’s health care system hang their hat on the SCOTUS overturning the unconstitutional act.
But many observers say the Supremes may well rule the act constitutional.
What then? Do we just accept that the federal government can exercise whatever power it wishes, regardless of constitutional restraints? Do we accept that a branch of the federal government gets the final say on the extent of the power available to the federal government? Or do the states follow James Madison and Thomas Jefferson’s lead and say, “No!” to unconstitutional exercises of power?
On Feb. 21, the Wisconsin Senate narrowly passed Joint Resolution 27.
This proposed constitutional amendment, proposed to the 2011 legislature on first consideration, provides that the people have the right to enter into private contracts with health care providers for health care services and to purchase private health care coverage, and prohibits enactment of any law that requires any person to obtain or maintain health insurance coverage or to participate in any health care system or plan.
Upon passage, the resolution moved on to the Wisconsin Assembly for consideration and was referred to the Rules Committee. Since that time, lawmakers have taken no further action.
The people of Wisconsin can’t depend on the federal government to limit its own power. As James Madison said, the states must interpose to arrest the progress of evil and maintain federal power within its respective limits. But state lawmakers won’t act unless the people demand it. You must step up and make your voice heard. In all likelihood, the federal health care act will remain in place, and unless the states step in on behalf of their citizens, the people stand to lose important liberties and freedom of choice when it comes to their health care.
If you live in Wisconsin, contact your assemblyperson and politely, but firmly, ask them to push for movement on Joint Resolution 27. Phone calls work best. Follow up with an email and/or a hand-written letter.
You can locate your representative’s contact information HERE.
Contact each member of the Assembly Rules Committee and ask them to move Joint Resolution 27 forward. You can locate contact information for all committee members HERE.
Contact Gov. Scott Walker and ask him to push for health care freedom in Wisconsin.
To track health care freedom legislation across the U.S., click HERE.
If you don’t live in Wisconsin and your state has not taken steps to block Obamacare, you can find model health care nullification legislation that you can propose to your state representative or senator HERE.
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