CARSON CITY, Nev. – With the federal government apparently intent on maintaining the power to kidnap people in the United States, the movement to thwart any such action continues to grow at the state and local level.
Earlier this week, conference committee members hammering out a compromise version of the 2013 National Defense Authorization Act dropped the so-called Feinstein amendment from the bill. In essence, the weak language of the Feinstein amendment was replaced with even weaker language.
“I voted against NDAA in 2011 because it did not contain the proper constitutional protections. When my Senate colleagues voted to include those protections in the 2012 NDAA through the Feinstein-Lee Amendment last month, I supported this act,” Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) said. “But removing those protections now takes us back to square one and does as much violence to the Constitution as last year’s NDAA. When the government can arrest suspects without a warrant, hold them without trial, deny them access to counsel or admission of bail, we have shorn the Bill of Rights of its sanctity.”
Even as Congress and the president shred the Constitution, lawmakers and activists in Nevada continue the battle to protect it. Nevada State Senator Don Gustavson (R-Sparks) recently filed a bill draft request for the Nevada Liberty Preservation Act. While the final language has not been finalized, the bill will prohibit state cooperation with any attempt to indefinitely detain people in the Silver State without due process.
Nevada chapters of People Against the National Defense Authorization Act (PANDA) worked diligently to rally support of the initiative in the Nevada legislature.
“We are working hard every day to restore the rights of every Nevadan, and will work tirelessly until we have succeeded,” Clark County chapter head Daphne Lee said.
Efforts to block indefinite detention in the Sliver State aren’t limited to the state legislature. The Washoe County Commission and the Reno City Council have reportedly placed discussion of a resolution condemning detention provisions written into the NDAA on the agenda in the first quarter of 2013.
“I appreciate the community support backing up our efforts and the courage of those members of our governing bodies who are willing to actively protect the constitutional rights of their constituents. We need to restore the constitutionally protected right to due process for every American,” PANDA Nevada state coordinator Christopher Corbett said.
Rep. Lyle Larson has already prefiled HB149 in the Texas legislature. The law would block state cooperation with any attempts at federal kidnapping in Texas, and provides for criminal penalties for any state or federal agents attempting to act under sections 1021 or 1022 in the NDAA.
Sources close to the Tenth Amendment Center indicate at least 12 states will consider bills nullifying the NDAA during the 2013 legislative session.
In Nevada
1. Contact your state legislator and urge them to support the Liberty Preservation Act
and your state senator:
2 Join the Nullify NDAA Activist Grassroots Action Group
Rest of the country.
Encourage your state lawmakers to introduce a liberty preservation act in your state. You can find model legislation HERE.
If your state already has legislation introduced, begin lobbying legislators NOW and demand that they get the bill passed. You can track liberty preservation legislation across the U.S. HERE.