NDAA: The National Defense Authorization Act. As a Tenth Amendment Legal Analyst says, it has “scary potential.” The act was signed into law by President Obama on December 31, 2011.
The most troublesome provision in NDAA are Sections 1021 and 1022, which allows for the President to detain any person deemed a threat, without a trial or due process. Even American citizens are not protected from this act. Sound unconstitutional? It is. That is why many states are nullifying the NDAA indefinite detention provisions. And it’s time to support grassroots efforts to eliminate the NDAA.
Recently, the Michigan House of Representatives passed a bill (HB5768) that nullifies section 1021 of the NDAA. The bill reads, in part:
“no agency of this state, no political subdivision of this state, no employee of an agency of this state or a political subdivision of this state acting in his or her official capacity, and no member of the Michigan national guard on official state duty shall aid an agency of the armed forces of the United States in any investigation, prosecution, or detention of any person pursuant to section 1021 of the national defense authorization act…”
Other states are doing the same, these include Virginia, South Carolina, and Texas. By 2013, many other states will probably follow suit. The work of grassroots efforts, led in many states by the work of the Tenth Amendment Center, has made the nullification of unconstitutional federal acts, like the NDAA, possible.
As Thomas Jefferson said, nullification is the “rightful remedy” when the Federal Government acts beyond their constitutionally enumerated powers. Since the Constitution does not allow the President, or Congress to indefinitely detain American citizens, without due process, the NDAA is null and void. The states must stand up, and rightfully declare it so.
Get involved. End the unlawful detention of U.S. Citizens. You can do it by supporting nullification, telling your State Legislators to do the same, and joining local grassroots efforts.
Colorado Residents:
1. JOIN the Nullify NDAA Colorado Facebook group: http://www.facebook.com/#!/groups/nullifyndaacolorado/
All U.S. Residents:
1. Learn more about NDAA Nullification Model Legislation: http://tenthamendmentcenter.com/legislation/liberty-preservation-act/
2. Volunteer with the Tenth Amendment Center: http://tenthamendmentcenter.com/volunteer
- Indiana Introduces Bill Nullifying UN ‘Agenda 21’ - December 20, 2012
- Today’s Lesson: Nullifying ‘Gun-Free’ Zones - December 18, 2012
- Nullify NDAA: Join the Grassroots Effort - December 13, 2012