New York State Senator Velmanette Montgomery has introduced a bill (S01682) legalizing medical marijuana in the state.
The bill has been co-sponsored by Senators Liz Krueger and John L. Sampson and it states:
The legislature finds that thousands of New Yorkers have serious medical conditions that can be improved by medically-approved use of marihuana. The law should not stand between them and life and health-sustaining treatment under a practitioner’s supervision. Many controlled substances that are legal for medical use (such as morphine and steroids) are otherwise illegal. This legislation follows the well-established public policy that a controlled substance can have a legitimate medical use.
The bill has been assigned to committee.
If passed, New York will join 18 other states who have nullified unconstitutional federal laws on marijuana. There has been some movement among Senate Republicans on this issue. Last fall, Sen. John DeFrancisco (R-Syracuse) attended a meeting where he initially opposed the idea, but afterwards said, ““Quite honestly, they made quite compelling cases. I’m open to the issue.”
Currently, Governor Andrew Cuomo doesn’t support medical marijuana. However, State Assemblyman Richard Gottfried who’s chaired the Assembly Health Committee for 25 years said, “If Gov. Cuomo supports a version of medical marijuana bill, it would be highly likely to pass.”
If you live in New York, contact your state legislators. Let him or her know of your position on medical marijuana. Click here for contact information.
Also, contact Governor Cuomo’s office. Click here for contact information.
If you live outside of New York, still contact your state legislator. Inform him or her that you hope similar legislation will be introduced in your state.
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