HB114, The Second Amendment Preservation Act, is up for an important committee hearing and vote in Utah – and needs your support to move forward.

The bill would nullify federal violations of the 2nd Amendment in the State of Utah.  It has been heard in the House Committee on Judiciary and is expected to have a do-or-die vote in that committee in the coming days.

The Tenth Amendment Center requests your immediate help by contacting  committee members to express your support for this legislation.  We urge you to CALL as the deadline is approaching fast.  Strongly, but respectfully, inform your representative that you are concerned with federal infringements on the right to bear arms. HB114 can be viewed here.

NOTE: With a vote coming as soon as the early part of the week, Calls should even be made on the weekend or in the evenings.  Leave a message on their voicemail and ask to have someone return your call so that you can hear back from the legislator or their staff.


1. Contact the Chairman.  Thank him for holding the hearing on this bill.  Strongly, but respectfully, let him know that you believe the right to keep and bear arms shall NOT be infringed and that you expect him to vote YES on HB114.

Rep. Kay L. McIff, Chair 801-608-4331 kaymciff@le.utah.gov 801-608-4331

2. Contact the other members in the House Committee on Judiciary.  Strongly, but respectfully let them know that you consider it their duty to vote YES on HB114 – their oath to the Constitution requires it.

Rep. Lee B. Perry, Vice Chair 435-734-2864 leeperry@le.utah.gov
Rep. Patrice M. Arent  801-272-1956 parent@le.utah.gov
Rep. LaVar Christensen 801-808-5105  lavarchristensen@le.utah.gov
Rep. Brian M. Greene 801-889-5693  bgreene@le.utah.gov
Rep. Craig Hall 801-573-1774 chall@le.utah.gov
Rep. Eric K. Hutchings  801-963-2639 ehutchings@le.utah.gov
Rep. Brian S. King 801-583-5464 briansking@le.utah.gov
Rep. V. Lowry Snow 435-703-3688 vlsnow@le.utah.gov

3. Encourage your local community to take action as well.  Present the 2nd Amendment Preservation Act to your city county, your town council, or your county commissioners.  Various local governments around the country are already passing similar resolutions and ordinances.  Local legislative action is a great way to strengthen a statewide campaign against 2nd Amendment violations

model legislation here:

4. Get connected to what is happening in Utah on Facebook
Join and get active in the Utah 2nd Amendment Group on Facebook.

5.  Share this information widely.  Please pass this along to your friends and family.  Also share it with any and all grassroots groups you’re in contact with around the state.  Please encourage them to email this information to their members and supporters.


The 2nd Amendment Preservation Act IS constitutional – from Libertas here.

How to Respond to Unlawful Orders

The 2nd Amendment didn’t “grant” rights