The Federal Health Care Nullification Act to stop the Affordable Care Act ‘Obamacare’ in the State of Oklahoma has been introduced in the house.  HB1021 has been referred to committee and scheduled for a hearing on 02/19/2013. This is a hearing that was postponed from our previous update, 02/12/13. The bill needs your phone calls and emails to help it move forward – now.


Tenth Amendment Center requests your immediate help by contacting  committee members to express your support for this legislation.  We urge you to CALL.  Strongly, but respectfully, inform the committee members that you will accept nothing less than a YES vote, which will allow the full state house to vote on the bill.

Your calls are effective even if you’re leaving a message over the weekend. When they arrive Monday, they need to know that a large number of people want them to vote YES on HB1021.

HB1021, Committee on Public Health

1. Please contact the chair of the committee.
David Derby: (405) 557-7377

2. Please contact other members of the committee.
Glen Mulready: (405) 557-7340
Doug Cox: (405) 557-7415
Randy Grau: (405) 557-7360
Jeannie McDaniel: (405) 557-7334
Jon Echols: (405) 557-7354
Rebecca Hamilton: (405) 557-7397
Mike Ritze, bill author: (405) 557-7338
John Enns: (405) 557-7321
Arthur Hulbert: (405) 557-7310
Mike Shelton: (405) 557-7367

3.  Join the Nullify Obamacare Group for Oklahoma on Facebook.  Get involved, let others know what kind of responses you get, plan strategy and more.


Just as the U.S. Supreme Court can offer their opinion and declare a law unconstitutional, the states can essentially do the same thing through a process commonly called “Nullification.” There is a bill in the State Senate and State House to do just that in the State of Oklahoma about the so-called “law” known as Obamacare.

Mike Ritze’s speech on HB1021 and nullifying Obamacare

The Obamacare Ruling

Nullification in One Lesson