In Missouri, HB 436 and it’s companion Senate bill, SB 325, would nullify all federal violations of your right to keep and bear arms. Please act now to support this legislation.
Either this coming Tuesday or the following Tuesday HB 436, the Second Amendment Preservation Act, will have a public hearing in the House General Laws Committee. This committee is predisposed to support this bill, but we need to send a message of strong support that will resonate throughout the Capitol.
Witness Form – Your witness form will be hand delivered, and your testimony will be made available online for the committee to read.
Generic Witness Form: Click for Witness Form |
Additional Steps you can take:
1. Right NOW, either plan to attend the hearing for HB 436 (time to be announced), or fill out the online witness form.
2. Contact your state rep AND senator. Let your rep know that you want a YES vote on HB436. And let your senator know that you want a YES vote on SB325. Strongly, but respectfully, inform them that you consider it their duty – their oath to the constitutions of the United States and Missouri requires a YES vote.
House Contact information here:
Senate Contact information here:
3. Share this information widely. Please pass this along to your friends and family. Also share it with any and all grassroots groups you’re in contact with around the state. Please encourage them to email this information to their members and supporters.
4. Encourage your local community to take action as well. Present the 2nd Amendment Preservation Act to your city county, your town council, or your county commissioners. Various local governments around the country are already passing similar resolutions and ordinances. Local legislative action is a great way to strengthen a statewide campaign against 2nd Amendment violations
model legislation here:
5. Get connected to what is happening in Missouri on Facebook
Join and get active in the Missouri 2nd Amendment Group on Facebook.
Details about HB 436 & SB 325
Since the 10th Amendment makes it clear that all powers not granted to the federal government are reserved to the states and the People, the regulation of the ownership of arms is a state, not a federal matter.
That applies to ALL such regulation.
We must demand from our legislators no less than the strongest, most principled stand they can take to defend our right to keep and bear arms!
Rep. Doug Funderburk and Sen. Brian Nieves’ “Second Amendment Preservation Act” is the strongest and most principled protection of the right to keep and bear arms in the nation!.
Notice that it utilizes the words of Thomas Jefferson and James Madison to explain Missouri’s authority to nullify unconstitutional federal edicts within her borders. Including this language is essential to the success of the bill. It also specifically lists the types of things we will not put up with, and that’s what gives state officials the “cover” they need to enforce the bill.
Tenth Amendment Center article about HB 436.
The 2nd Amendment Preservation Act IS constitutional – from Libertas here.
How to Respond to Unlawful Orders
The 2nd Amendment didn’t “grant” rights
Note: Thanks to Ron Calzone and Missouri First for all the research and activism in support of these important bills.
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