R.I. lawmakers Rep. Ajello and Sen. Nesselbush to introduce matching bills to legalize marijuana

Providence, R.I.: February Following on the steps of voters legalizing marijuana in Colorado and Washington last fall, Rhode Island State Representative Edith Ajello and State Senator Donna Nesselbush have introduced companion bills on Wednesday February 6th to legalize marijuana and establish a system where it is taxed and regulated in a manner similar to alcohol.

The new law will partially nullify the Federal drug war against marijuana that has unsuccessfully raged for approximately 70 years and seen countless people sent to prison. State lawmakers have already passed legislation, effective April 1, to decriminalize possession of an ounce or less of marijuana, making it a civil violation. But the new bills would go further, making possession of limited amounts legal for adults 21 and older.

Ajello and Nesselbush held a news conference with the Coalition for Marijuana Regulation at 3 p.m. Wednesday to announce the bills. The announcement about the bills came from the Marijuana Policy Project, a Washington, D.C. based group that is working with the state lawmakers.

Ajello and Nesselbush are both Democrat legislators who are proving that the assertion of State Sovereignty to nullify immoral Federal laws is truly a bi-partisan path towards justice.

The bills are H5274 in the House and a Senate bill number will be released soon.


If you live in Rhode Island, contact your state legislator. Let him or her that this is a state matter that should be addressed by the citizens of the state and that you expect their support of this legislation. Click here for contact information for your state senator and representative


Track the status of state marijuana laws around the country HERE

Blake Filippi