Wyoming’s Firearms Protection Act, HB104, is “an act relating to firearms; providing that any federal law which attempts to ban a semi-automatic firearm or to limit the size of a magazine of a firearm or other limitation on in this state shall be unenforceable in Wyoming; providing a penalty; and providing for an effective date.” This act nullifies all federal laws made after Jan. 1, 2013.

It recently passed the state house by a vote of 46-13 and was sent to the State Senate. On Wednesday, February 20th, the Senate Judiciary Committee will hold a hearing on the bill. HB104 will need to be approved by the committee before it is sent to the full Senate for debate and a vote.

ACTION ITEMS for Wyoming Residents

1. Contact John Schiffer (R-Kaycee), the Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, email him at John.Schiffer@wyoleg.gov

Urge him to support HB-104. Strongly, but respectfully, tell him to pass this bill out of committee without amendments or any delay.

2. Next contact the following members of the Senate Judiciary Committee and voice your support for HB-104 — the Firearm Protection Act.

Bruce Burns (R-Sheridan)


Leland Christensen (R-Teton)

3. Attend the hearing in person. Strength in numbers! voice your support for HB104 and make a public statement if the committee allows you to testify.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Senate Judiciary Committee
8AM, arrive early!
213 State Capitol, Cheyenne
Room 302

4. Join the 2nd Amendment Preservation group to support this bill on Facebook:


How to Respond to Unlawful Orders

The 2nd Amendment didn’t “grant” rights

HB104 has been assigned to the Senate Judiciary Committee. There, it will require a hearing and approval to send it to the full Senate for a vote.

HB104 was introduced by Wyoming Rep. Kendell Kroeker and co-sponsored by Representatives Baker, Burkhart, Jaggi, Miller, Piiparinen, Reeder and Winters and Senators Dockstader and Hicks.

“We need the second amendment because it is the protection for all of our other rights. Without it, those rights have no protection,” Kroeker said.

Beyond such statements, the bill backs things up with some teeth by providing for criminal charges for federal agents who attempt to violate the proposed state law:

“Any official, agent or employee of the United States government who enforces or attempts to enforce any act, order, law, statute, rule or regulation of the United States government upon a personal firearm, a firearm accessory or ammunition that is owned or manufactured commercially or privately in Wyoming and that remains exclusively within the borders of Wyoming shall be guilty of a felony and, upon conviction, shall be subject to imprisonment for not less than one (1) year and one (1) day or more than five (5) years, a fine of not more than five thousand dollars ($5,000.00), or both.”