Montana House Bill 302 (HB302) is a bill that would ban state and local enforcement of any federal ban on semi-automatic weapons or large magazines in Montana.  The bill passed the State House, 56-42 and on Thursday, the State Senate Judiciary Committee passed it as well.

HB302 is now coming up for a debate and vote in the Full State Senate.  It’s going to be a VERY close call, and your help is needed right away to ensure the bill passes!


1. Contact your State Senator.  Strongly, but respectfully, let them know that you will accept nothing less than a YES vote on HB302! Since the vote could happen as early as Monday or Tuesday, it’s essential that you make phone calls right now in support. Even in the evening or on the weekend, make your call – and leave a message, if necessary. Ask for a call back so you can speak to the senator or their staff personally.

Contact info here:

Look up your legislators here:

2. Encourage your local community to take action as well.  Present the 2nd Amendment Preservation Act to your city county, your town council, or your county commissioners.  Various local governments around the country are already passing similar resolutions and ordinances.  Local legislative action present a great way to strengthen a statewide campaign against 2nd Amendment violations

model legislation here:

3.  Share this information widely.  Please pass this along to your friends and family.  Also share it with any and all grassroots groups you’re in contact with around the state.  Please encourage them to email this information to their members and supporters.


As the Tenth Amendment Center’s own Tim Ravndal said, “We rise in support of this legislation this morning simply because of constitutional provisions that are provided to protect the rights of the people…We cannot allow for those rights to be taken lightly.We have had different departments have come through the back door. Given example: Obamacare has come through with certain sections, that after it was passed, it was realized there are provisions that inflict on our rights. Specifically on the right to keep and bear arms. We need to be prepared to head this off. House bill 302 moves us in that direction by giving the people a proactive stance. It says not just no, but excuse my language, Hell No!”

The 2nd Amendment Preservation Act IS constitutional

How to Respond to Unlawful Orders

The 2nd Amendment didn’t “grant” rights