Arkansas Bill SB1088 ,An Act concerning the regulation of firearms to be known as the Arkansas Firearm Freedom Act; and for other purposes introduced Senator Bryan King on March 11 and referred to the Senate Committee on State Agencies and Governmental Affairs, withdrawn from the committee for Amendment #1, and re-referred to the committee again on March 13.

 A personal firearm, a firearm accessory, or ammunition that is manufactured commercially or privately in Arkansas and that remains within the borders of Arkansas is not subject to federal law or federal regulation,  including registration, under the authority of the United States Congress to regulate interstate commerce, as those items have not traveled in interstate commerce.

This chapter applies to a firearm, a firearm accessory, or ammunition that is manufactured in Arkansas from basic materials and that can be manufactured without the inclusion of any significant parts imported from another state.

Firearms accessories that are imported into Arkansas from another state and that are subject to federal regulation as being in interstate commerce do not subject a firearm to federal regulation under interstate  commerce because they are attached to or used in conjunction with a firearm  in Arkansas.

Section added as Amendment 1:

Do not codify.  Effective Date: This act shall not become effective until July 1, 2015.


There is one other bill pending in the Arkansas legislature that would protect the Second Amendment rights of Arkansas residents.

HB1752 3/06/13  An Act to require state agencies and public officers to disregard unconstitutional overreaches of power; to protect the constitutional rights of Arkansans; to prevent the Federal Government from regulating the manufacture, assembly, and trade of firearms within the borders of Arkansas; and for other purposes.  Judiciary Committee hearing scheduled for March 21, 2003.


Contact the Chairman of the Judiciary Committee. Urge him to schedule a hearing immediately for  SB1088 and .to vote YES on this legislation.

Senator Jeremy Hutchinson, 501-773-3760,

2.  Contact all the other Members of the Judiciary Committee.  Advise them that you would like them to vote YES on SB1088.

 Contact information for Judiciary Committee Members here.

 Tracking and Model legislation

If you live outside Arkansas, you can track Second Amendment legislation across the U.S. and for model legislation you can pass along to your representative, click HERE.




Linda McDonald